
Service Details

Medical Massage

Why a medical massage at MaxHealth vs. massage at a spa?


Our Medical Massage is like no other massage you will have ever had because it is under the supervision of the Doctor. At Max-Health will evaluate your spine and supporting musculature and implement the most focused specific medical massage, making it more effective and longer lasting. We are also able to combine stretching and traction to take your care and results to the next level.

Benefits:  Almost anyone can benefit from a detailed medical massage, and they are often an adjunct to other forms of treatment. Research studies have found that medical massage is good for all types of pain control by stimulating the release of endorphins, the body’s natural pain reliever.


Medical Massage has also proven effective with:

chronic fatigue syndromes
anxiety and depression
anxiety and withdrawal from cigarette smoking
poor posture from spinal curvature or whiplash
fatigue, muscle spasms and sports-related soreness
neck, back and shoulder pain and stiffness
strained muscles and ligaments
limited range of motion